Omnidirectional 8AMers spasm toward the city, rushing to complete stops. I route away on southbound open lanes to worship music fading in from a fast-lane station wagon approaching with a small speaker bungeed to the roof rack, compressing the passing choir into a thin strain of angelic nose whistles, decaying as it praises ahead. Past the state line, there’s a thrift store that various airlines use as a resale hub for lost luggage after they’ve stolen it — also called fencing. I stopped there once years ago. Due to the circumstances of the stock, a daydreamer can easily concoct possible chains of events & imagined sagas with clear evidence of the wake — especially at groupings, like racks of wedding dresses or, as a victim myself, music gear displays. I fill @ $2.75/gal outside of Huntsville & veer towards their Visitors Center. A welcomer manning a postcard tree opens a map & shows that the fence is in a small town an hour east, then asks if I want a pic with an astronaut. I’ve noticed a few of them positioned around the room along with small-scale rocket replicas. I’m in Rocket Town. There’s also a large rubber duck in the middle of the room beside a space shuttle disaster timeline, but it’s not offered as a photo op. I don't ask & just buy a postcard. When I turn to leave, the duck is now stationed at the exit.
At sunset, a glam-jeep with pink lamps follows in a single-lane work zone. Occasionally, one of the headlights winks from the unfinished re-pave. When the work fines end, the flirt passes & takes an exit towards a stinging 2.69. I salve the lost gamble with a Port City savor.

Oh my gawd...This is TOO fucking timely and weird. I love a "different" kinda day. In particular a Saturday. Unfortunately today I ended up at Bellis Fair mall...not my favorite of places in general....needed a feckin new bra so fair enough. The point of it all is I was meeting a child of 4 years old that I ADORE (Sevyn) and her mom (Autumn) so decided to kill stones(bras/kiddo...blah ok)...it was SO funny and weird, but mostly I loved when Sevyn taught me a new song when we walked by those mall/ kmart rides...she had to get IN ALL of the faux vehicles ("no quarters here kid, and yer mom is quite possibly stealing a Vic bra at the moment so we be lucky to get out alive 😳🙄") Anyway, we went by one of those rocket mall rides and Sevyn taught me a new song about blasting off- evidently all the 4 year olds are singing something OTHER than Bowie or E.John these days...chchchchchanges....don't know why this post feels relevant this weekend. ❤️