Introduction/Fater (monsoon version)
Please consider this as an invitation to eavesdrop. It's a hobby of mine & about time the table was turned. It will be as though we're sitting together while I talk to myself & you check your email.
I describe these posts as excerpts of visions — thumbnails of writing. Whereas my 2020 Black Sparrow Press debut Cutting from the Tangle was more stanza-based, these posts are presented mostly in something I've just discovered called "paragraphs" which you may have seen in books or long-winded text messages. There are currently four or so headings. Here is the alleged syllabus:
1. MUSICAL DEPICTIONS are for those of you who've heard some of my recordings & possibly even purchased them. They’re recollections about cataloged tracks, but also unreleased strains & appropriated airs, i.e writing about either songs from my albums, abandoned demos, outtakes or covers with accompanying audio.
2. INTERNAL DESCRIPTIONS are mostly non-musical & more like me interviewing myself sideways into an investigative puff piece, i.e contemplations on the wondrous bruise of living.
3. EXTERNAL CHARACTERIZATIONS are bulletins from & about my present location where I talk you through property lines of fortified boundaries to point out the fauna in the flora as witnessed safely from factual imagination, i.e reports on my immediate surroundings.
4. REAR-VIEW REFLECTIONS is the heading headed to where travel recollections end up. I describe this category as touring postcards sent from the road to nowhere.
In addition to the songs in MUSICAL DEPICTIONS, there are also scored read-alongs called oneiric compositions in all categories.
5. — à la carte — is a condensed menu of unreleased music that was originally posted with wherefores but presented here sans the discourse — in other words, just the music, listed by year.
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Please consider a confirmation reply as proof that you are not dead, or at least involved in a conspiracy between consenting ghosts.
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&, with that . . .
My first offering is an outtake of a song entitled "Fater" recorded in 1995 at Wavelab Studio in Tucson AZ as a monsoon was taking hold. The official version for the out-of-print-upon-release album on MCA, Devotion & Doubt, was a second take. This first attempt became an unplanned duet with an uninvited guest pounding outside to get in like a locked-out ex who just wants to know why you haven't called them back. The result — Fater (monsoon version):
Damn dude this is so insane. Very thankful to hear it. Magic.
Christ I love this so much