As usual, I wasn’t sure where I was repairing. I’d been renting a small, furnished bedroom a few blocks east of the interstate for about six months: away for most of it on various adventures of universal profit & loss, comfortably mingling with fractals of chaotic phenomena — familiarly starting-over here-&-there by husbanding resources & frittering elbow room.
Most belongings were in an outskirts storage locker. With just a few essential possessions, I stirred through unoccupied periods on the sublet’s hand-me-down twin, leftover from the last itinerant, holding-in stories of its own, embracing insomnia enough to stay up & maybe have a real discussion with all of those riled illusions. Baggy eyes add character, I thought &, besides, perception is suspicious. I wasn’t falling for it . . .
. . . so, I continued-on in retreat: divining nothing with a real-time stab at the nation’s midsection staging foggy sets of subversive reflections mocking & taunting alleged principles of disengagement, enough to even fly cross-realm for a blizzard of mercurial abandon or traverse inter-continental waves presumably yielding impromptu snaps preserved now as mere cliffside statues overlooking the vast span, in search of inspiration. What followed was yet-another manic junket, this time driven by a lyrical spiritualist, senselessly ridden out to a weary air, returning with an impulsive foreign treasure complete with a trove of performative possibilities:
The 350S sits silently today in a closet with other gear-turned-souvenirs — obsolete, unutilized or broken, but, ultimately, too beautiful to permanently cast aside. I ended up purchasing a smaller reissued model a few years later at a bourgeois boutique chain here in the homeland, but I still haven’t used it either — just waiting for revelation to return in any form. Maybe it won’t, but, at least, I’m prepared. Until then, I’m gonna decorate my own box, too — to document where I was, it appears, for now — or until the moment hits again . . . . . . as usual.
Those drawings inside the box. Priceless! ✨