Mid-fall, worlds ago:
A woman & man walk towards a motel from either the Midas or Waffle House next door.
Stopping at the lobby entrance, the man hands the woman a cellphone.
She pokes the cell, then holds to her ear.
The man begins to say something.
The woman says, “What do you want me to say?!”
The man waves his arms & says “Just tell them!”
The woman stares at the man, tight-lipped, cheeks flush as she explains into the phone “. . . & he says he can't take the bus to get there now because a woman called & complained.”
The man begins speaking again as she continues leaving the message, then she pecks an end & hands the phone back to the man.
They enter the motel for a moment then exit, each with a cloth suitcase — one strapped with a belt, & walk back towards the street, away from the yellow signs, not speaking, about ten feet apart between them as they continue.
Sad. And that image is really lovely.